ERPNext Version 15 – installation on ubuntu Server

In this guide you will learn how to install ERPNext Version 15 On Ubuntu Server. This is manual Instllation Guide that you can use to install on either on premises server or on cloud.

You can follow below guide and watch this video for full installation

Platform Setup On-Premises or Cloud

You can use any of the platforms to set up your server;

Once you have prepared the server from one of the options above, now the next step is to ensure that the Ubuntu Server is Installed.

Server Setup – Ubuntu Server Installation

You can use any Ubuntu Server, 20, 22 or 23 Version.

You must have the Ubuntu Sever first ready. Here is guide to Install Ubuntu Server

Update the Ubuntu Servers

Let us first update the packages database and update the installed packages

Now you must reboot the server using the reboot command

If reboot doesn’t work you can use init 6 command.

Packages and Versions Required for ERPNext 15

Test Results

Package Version Required
pip3 23.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10)
pip 23.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10)
python 3.11.4
node 20.17.0
npm 9.8.1
mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.6.7-MariaDB
yarn 1.22.19
/opt/bench/node_modules/.bin/node-sass node-sass 9.0.1 (Wrapper) [JavaScript] libsass 3.5.5 (Sass Compiler) [C/C++]
npm node-sass 8.19.1
pip3 23.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10)
pip 23.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10)
redis-server Redis server v=7.0.16 sha=00000000:0 malloc=jemalloc-5.2.1 bits=64 build=a3fdef44459b3ad6
wkhtmltopdf 0.12.6
git 2.39.1

Install packages & pre-Requisites for Installing ERPNeXT Version 15

Python Installation

Let us first install python3 and related tools.

Now let us install Python Virtual Environment, because ERPNext might have specific version requirements for Python libraries, and using a virtual environment ensures that these dependencies do not conflict with other projects in Ubuntu Server so we will install Python Virtual Environment using below command;

Let us now create a symbolic link of Python to Python3

Now it is good Idea to check the versions and ensure that Python and Python 3 has correct Installation for ERPNext you must have 3.10 or creater

Install Node JS

To Install Node JS Latest Version use below command, note that you can look for latest version for Node JS. Below is from Node JS Site

Now let us check the Version of NodeJS

Install Redis-Server

Now let us Install the Redis Server using Node JS

Make sure to test Node Version it should be greater than 20

Install Git and Cron

NPM and Yarn Setup

Check the npm version it must be greater than 9

Install MariaDB Database

You need to run the MYSQL Secure INstallation to ensure that you setup the root password for mariadb and whether you want to allow the access. If you are using External Server for database you can skip this step

MariaDB Configuration for ERPNext Formats

You need to setup the Maria DB Configuration you can edit the configuration using nano or vim editor. Locate Maria DB Configuration based on your sever installation and modify the lines, if not available add below lines

Save the configuration file and restart the mariaDB Server by using below command

Create User in Ubuntu Server

We need to ensure that we don’t use Root user or default user for all ERPNext this is to isolate the user from the root user and remain specific to the ERPNext Installation, for this we will create the user, create password and assign sudo rights.

In above example amjid is user you can chose any user. Now letus setup the password

It will ask the password that you want to set, just type the password.

Now let us add sudo group for the user

Now use is assigned sudo rights, let us now switch to user

Now you will be logged in with new uuser. Let us continue to add the bin path for the user. For this you need to add one line in this file, using the editor vim or nano, i will use nano.

Copy and paste below line at the end of the file which you are editing

Now we will get the additional add on which is bench, and it is recommended to add add on to opt directory, so we will create the bench directory in add ons.

Now let us give rights to the user amjid

Now we will change the directory and will run the command in bench directory

Now we need to isntall node-sass which is (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) CSS preprocessor. Sass is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into CSS.

Install Frappe Bench

Now let us install the frappe bench and If you get error while using pip command related to environment is externally managed. you must remove the file externally managed from below path. You can alternatively use command pipx

Before using PIPX you must remove externally managed file from below path

remove file /usr/lib/python3.x/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED,

Then you can install pipx

If you are using externally managed on, then you can use pipx as vekiw

Now install python virtual environment

Initiate Frappe Bench

Now you must intiate frappe bench with init command for version 15

Now all the commands that you will use will be from through the frappe bench directory so change the directory to frappe-bench

Now we will be modifying lines in the file Procfile that contain the pattern “web:” by adding ” –noreload” at the end of those lines.

Honcho is used to manage procfile based applications let us do that

Now let us start bench

Now you can access the server ,

Now let stop the bench and create site , you will use all below commands one by one to create site and install related app to the site

you can stop this by pressing ctr + c and create the site

you can stop this by pressing ctr + c. Lest us install ERPNext and HRMS

Now you need to update the apps to the site

Now you must tell the bench to use as default site you will use

Now you can access ERPNext Here at

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