This is an honest review for Best Website hosting services. As web hosting providers plays a vital role in ranking your website therefore you must carefully consider choosing your best web hosting provider. There are various SEO Factors. Speed is one of the most important factor, which means how fast your website is loading and what is the latency. So server speed and network bandwidth are two major aspects that we must consider for site speed.
Another aspect that one must consider is the reliability of the hosting provider, the features that the hosting provider gives like backup, SSL, security, data transfer, inodes, support and son on. So considering all of the factors with my 2 decades of experience, I have chosen these five best for you. They have slight difference and I have used all of them.
Depending upon your need and budget you can chose the the package from any of these, but my honest review is based on the following where I have experienced dozens in past, but honestly, I have very good experience with 5 of below.
Shared hosting, dedicated hosting, VPS hosting or reseller hosting, whatever you need my comparison will help you to chose the best plan for you.
Review of TOP 5 Best Webhosting 2021
A2Hosting | SiteGround | InMotion | Bluehost | HostGator | |
Starting Package (Monthly Price) | $2.99 | $4.99 | $2.49 | $3.95 | $2.75 |
Uptime | 99.9% | 99.9% | 99.9% | 99.9% | 99.9% |
WordPress Hosting | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Shared Hosting | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
VPS | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Dedicated Hosting/Server | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Customer Service | Excellent | Good | Excellent | Excellent | Excellent |
Reseller Hosting | Excellent | Poor | Good | Fair | Excellent |
TrustPilot Rating (5) | 3.9 | 4.7 | 3.4 | 2.9 | 3.5 |
1. A2Hosting Best Web Hosting due to Speed and Latency
A2 Webhosting provides Up to 20 times faster speed which helps to lower bounce rate and higher conversion rates. If you want to rank higher in search engine by considering server speed and latency as SEO factor then go for A2Hosting.
2. Site Ground as Best WordPress and e-Commerce Hosting
For successful personal or business website you can chose the Fast and Secure webhosting from SiteGround. I have found it easy to manage all the website including backup and restore of entire website. There are three packages Startup, GrowBig and GoGeek. Depending upopn your need you can chose the package.
3. InMotion as a Best Scalable Web Hosting
If you want to scale your website with the growth of your business then InMotion is the best provider for scalability in mind. Not just webhosting you can also get the private cloud from various cloud storage services offered by them. Additionally Bare-Metal server and custom web design option is also available with inMotion.
4. BlueHost as Best Managed WordPress Hosting
This webhosting provider is most popular among freelancers, as they get many design choices. Bluehost is optimized with design freedom and marketing tool. It automatically updates the security features to protect your websites. With 2 Major packages Standard and Preimim you can start your online store easily.
5. HostGator Best of Web Hosting Experts
A ton of website hosting options including free SSL certificate, easy WordPress installs, and a free domain for a year. If you are a newbie or an expert, this webhosting service is perfect choice. There are many options to pick the perfect web hosting plan. I must say hostgator is an affordable service for every website need.
Which one should you chose?
It all depends upon what you are looking for, I must say chose one of these 5 and don’t go anywhere else. One of this will be the best fit for your needs. I used dozens, including personal server as hosting and then many other. But I was satisfied with all of these five only.
What is your choice? please let me know in the comments section.
If you are planning to buy any of the web hosting, please use the link from this website. The links provided in this post are affiliate links, which helps us to maintain this website.
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