Best Mini-Games in GTA 5 and GTA Online

Developer Rockstar always had a knack for enriching their titles with well-realized mini-games and side activities. GTA 5 and GTA Online are no exceptions, providing various fun distractions for players to blow off some steam from the busy Los Santos life.

These mini-games reflect the same sky-high quality and production value as the rest of the game, meaning they are substantial, albeit less impactful “mission” types. Whether you use modded GTA 5 accounts or aim for the vanilla experience, take a look at the best mini-games you can enjoy in GTA 5 and GTA Online!


Fans of the Red Dead Redemption series will certainly feel drawn to GTA 5’s Hunting activity, which is, unsurprisingly, endemic to Mr. Trevor Phillips. After completing the Fair Game story mission, Trevor can accept Cletus’s calls to hunt elks and other wildlife for a cash reward.

The Hunting activity is available only in a secluded location in Blaine County, a unique point on the map where shooting fauna yields rewards in GTA 5. Trevor can head there between 5 AM and hunt till 9 PM each day, and during this mini-game, he wears the hunting uniform and has unlimited sniper ammo at his disposal. 

Trevor can also utilize Cletus’s mating call to lure animals more easily. To score, Trevor must take a photo of each hunted animal with his phone and send it to Cletus. Before sunset, Cletus will send a message to Trevor that the day is over, inviting him to go to his trailer and collect a bounty based on his accuracy.


Both Michal and Trevor like to wear white shorts and swing a racket, so you can enter the tennis court as either one. After the “Complications” story mission, players can try their skills in several locations, including the Richman Hotel court, the Vespucci Courts, the Weazel courts, etc. There, you can select between three difficulty levels, and face NPCs that pose a challenge.

There’s a lot of depth when it comes to mastering Tennis in GTA V and GTA Online. Aside from basic moves like backhand and forehand strikes, players can also implement more strategic maneuvers like jobs and backspins. Plus, every match nets a cash prize for the victor. Depending on the difficulty setting, you can earn $14/$25/$36 per match!

Lastly, it’s also worth noting that winning at least one game of Tennis is a prerequisite for a 100% completion of the game.


You can play a Darts match in GTA 5 at the Yellow Jack Inn after finishing the Crystal Maze story mission and at the MC clubhouse in GTA Online. However, Darts might be the most frustrating mini-game on this list, though getting good at it certainly feels rewarding!

The rules are the same as IRL: both Dart players start with a score of 301, and each dart thrown at a numbered section on the circular board detracts from that score. The first competitor to reach zero wins the game. 

The player’s aim is depicted as a constantly shifting reticle, which they can briefly stabilize for a single time during a match. It’s also possible to hasten up the aim, allowing you to rely on skill and your gut to land a precise dart. Throwing at the center yields 50 points, and hitting the second tier under the 20-point section earns you 60.

The challenge comes from the fact that if you reduce the score to 1 or go below zero, you’ll hit a bust and lose a turn. As such, winning constantly in Darts requires much nuance and a steady hand.

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