MultiCloud: Everything you need to Know

With an on demand availability of computing , storage and network resources, cloud has gained popularity and today, the emerging cloud trend is that enterprises are becoming less worried about sticking with one cloud vendor, and are embracing a multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud offering where they can get the best out of each solution

According to Global Channel Chief at Google, Carolee Gearhart, “Gartner is estimating that by 2021, 75 percent of midsize and large organizations will have adopted multi-cloud or a hybrid strategy.” IDC affirms this in their 2021 report, stating that by 2022, over 90% of enterprises will be relying on a hybrid cloud .

What is MultiCloud?

When an enterprise uses more than one cloud platform (with at least two or more public clouds) that each delivers a specific application or service is known as multicloud.

A multicloud can be comprised of public, private, and edge clouds to achieve the enterprise’s end goals. In other words, it combines on-premise operations with services and applications running on multiple public cloud providers, which enables organizations to capture the benefits of each platform while mitigating their downsides.

Muticloud Strategy

You might find the perfect cloud solution for 1 aspect of your enterprise—a proprietary cloud fine-tuned for hosting a proprietary app, an affordable cloud perfect for archiving public records, a cloud that scales broadly for hosting systems with highly variable use rates—but no single cloud can do everything. (Or, rather, no single cloud can do everything well.)

Shadow IT is becoming a reality that contributes to multiclouds. Hardware or software deployed independently from the central IT team may become large enough to warrant more oversight. At that point, migrating the infrastructure and data to a preferred system (let’s pretend we’re talking about public clouds here) might be out of the question. That shadow IT deployment is simply aggregated as part of the enterprise’s existing clouds—thereby creating a multicloud.

Multicloud environments help protect enterprises from outages. As a failover solution, multicloud allows enterprises to have an available, highly scalable backup for data, workflows, and systems if—or perhaps when, as Murphy’s Law suggests—your primary cloud goes dark.

To reduce poor response times for cloud users thousands of miles away from a company’s headquarters, some workloads could be hosted by regional cloud providers that operate closer to where the users are. This solution lets the enterprise maintain high availability and adhere to data sovereignty laws—protocols that subject data to the regulations of the country in which that data is located.

MultiCloud Examples

 two public Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, a public Platform as a Service (PaaS), on-demand management and security systems from public clouds, a private cloud IaaS for company systems of record, and a private Container as a Service (CaaS) stack on either public or

MultiCloud Solutions

MultiCloud Architecture

Multicloud (also multicloud or multi cloud) is the use of multiple cloud computing and storage services in a single network architecture. This refers to the distribution of cloud assets, software, applications, and more across several cloud environments

MultiCloud Environment

multicloud environment is one where an enterprise uses more than one cloud platform (with at least two or more public clouds) that each delivers a specific application or service. A multicloud can be comprised of public, private, and edge clouds to achieve the enterprise’s end goals.

MultiCloud app

There is not just single app or application that can help you to manage the multicloud platoforms, services, environment or applications. There are various applications provided. However, the cloud vendors have made it easy to manage services across multiple cloud services.

MultiCloud Providers

There is no single multicloud infrastructure vendor. Instead, a multicloud strategy typically involves a mix of the major public cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, Microsoft and IBM.

MutiCloud Gartner

Organizations are increasingly working with multiple cloud providers. A recent Gartner survey of public cloud users finds 81% of respondents using two or more providers.

Gartner VP Analyst Michael Warrilow says, “Most organizations adopt a multicloud strategy out of a desire to avoid vendor lock-in or to take advantage of best-of-breed solutions. We expect that most large organizations will continue to willfully pursue this approach.” One of the reasons attributed to it is the dominance of mega vendors in the market. 

“By 2023, half of the total public cloud market will be dominated by the 10 biggest public cloud providers.”

Gartner predicts

MultiColoud Vs Hybrid Cloud

Mutlicloud and Hybrid cloud is totally differnt from each other. Mutlicloud referers to presense or adoption of two or more public clouds sourced from different vendors. On the other hand hybrid cloud means presense of multiple deployments (Public and Private Cloud) with integration between them.

Mutlicloud can be multiple public clouds OR multiple private clouds, however hybrid cloud means mulitple public cloud AND multiple private cloud.

Multicloud environment is less common as companies have invested hudge on privatecloud, therefore Hybrid Cloud is gaining more popularity.

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